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Normski4ash - Macro Photography

Cantharis Nigricans
Length 9 to 11 mm. One of the soldier beetles with grey-black elytra and a yellow-orange pronotum which may have a central darker mark. The black on the orange hind legs extends above the 'knee'.

Red Soldier Beetle - Rhagonycha fulva
It has a red-orange body with a black tip. - Often seen on umbelifer flowers, such as Hogweed and Cow Parsley.

Soldier Beetle - Cantharis decipiens
The brown body and distinctly marked thorax help to distinguish this species from other Cantharis beetles.

Cantharis Nigra
The black elytra (wing covers) are shiny and have a layer of very fine hairs. The pronotum can be all black or may have varying amounts of red.
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