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Normski4ash - Macro Photography
Marmalade HoverflyPhoto by Norman Pimlott | Marmalade hoverflyPhoto by Norman Pimlott | Marmalade hoverflyPhoto by Norman Pimlott |
Marmalade hoverflyPhoto by Norman Pimlott | Marmalade HoverflyPhoto by Norman Pimlott | Marmalade HoverflyPhoto by Norman Pimlott |
Marmalade HoverflyPhoto by Norman Pimlott | Marmalade hoverflyPhoto by Norman Pimlott | Marmalade hoverflyPhoto by Norman Pimlott |
Marmalade hoverflyPhoto by Norman Pimlott |
Episyrphus Balteatus
Its two 'moustache' black bands on tergites 3 and 4 of its abdomen are unique. Some specimens also show white bands on the abdomen, whilst other forms are quite dark.
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