Normski4ash - Macro Photography
Ground beetles are a large, cosmopolitan family of beetles, Carabidae, with more than 40,000 species worldwide, approximately 2,700 of which are found in Europe

Photo by Norman Pimlott

Photo by Norman Pimlott
Bembidion biguttatum
This small beetle (4mm) is shiny black with two pale spots at the base of the elytra,
Often found on mud and silty ground near to water.

Photo by Norman Pimlott

Photo by Norman Pimlott

Photo by Norman Pimlott

Photo by Norman Pimlott
Black overall colouration. Elytra shiny, oval and grooved longitudinally, tapering toward the rear. The elytra sometimes gives a green-bronze sheen. Large eyes and dark antennae that become yellow towards the base. Legs reddish-brown with black femora and thick hairs.
Facts: The Common Sun Beetle is very similar to other beetles of the Amara genus. It is the commonest Amara beetle seen when the sun is out, hence it's common name.

Photo by Norman Pimlott

Photo by Norman Pimlott

Photo by Norman Pimlott

Photo by Norman Pimlott
Ground Beetle - Carabidae
A rather secretive beetle not often found, hard to determine exact species without disection.

Photo by Norman Pimlott

Photo by Norman Pimlott

Photo by Norman Pimlott
Clivina Fossor
Size 6 to 7 mm. This beetle is all dark brown with studded rows or lines running the length of its elytra. It has adaptations for a life underground. The tarsal segments on the front pair of legs are broadened for digging. This enables exploitation other food sources.

Photo by Norman Pimlott

Photo by Norman Pimlott

Photo by Norman Pimlott
Pterostichus Strenuus
Length 5 to 7 mm. All black body but with red-brown legs. It has a sinuate pronotum with sharp hind angles.
Common in almost every habitat, usually living amongst plant litter but also under stones. Common in gardens and on arable land.