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Normski4ash - Macro Photography
Epistrophe grossulariaePhoto by Norman Pimlott | Epistrophe grossulariaePhoto by Norman Pimlott | Epistrophe grossulariaePhoto by Norman Pimlott |
Epistrophe grossulariaePhoto by Norman Pimlott | Epistrophe grossulariaePhoto by Norman Pimlott |
Epistrophe Grossulariae
A brightly banded hoverfly. The robust build and particularly straight and broad yellow bands (which extend fully to the side margins of the abdomen), combined with a rather dull thorax, create a distinctive jizz in the field.This species can be conspicuous on the flowers of umbellifers (especially Angelica) and thistles in woodlands and wetlands in late summer. It often hovers immediately beside such flowers, and may even feed whilst hovering, which is unusual behaviour for syrphids.
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