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Normski4ash - Macro Photography
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Yellow dung fly, femalePhoto by Norman Pimlott | Yellow dung flyPhoto by Norman Pimlott | Yellow Dung flyPhoto by Norman Pimlott |
Yellow dung flyPhoto by Norman Pimlott | Yellow Dung flyPhoto by Norman Pimlott | Yellow Dung flyPhoto by Norman Pimlott |
Yellow Dung FliesPhoto by Norman Pimlott |
Yellow Dung Fly - Scathophaga stercoraria
Only a few species of the genus Scathophaga pass their larval stages in animal dung. The name probably derives from the Common Yellow Dung-fly, S. stercoraria, which is one of the most abundant and ubiquitous flies in many parts of the northern hemisphere. The male is golden yellow, whilst the female has a greener appearance and is less furry. It is very common in farming areas, March to November peaking in summer.
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